rice cookerは中高生のセックスに似ている

TOP > international delivery available Cook it Tiger Corp. JPG-S100 [quantity of cooking rice: a 5.5 go type: a pressure IH rice cooker inner pot: premium mainland hot pot or other functions: cover circle washing in far infrared rays

international delivery available Cook it Tiger Corp. JPG-S100 [quantity of cooking rice: a 5.5 go type: a pressure IH rice cooker inner pot: premium mainland hot pot or other functions: cover circle washing in far infrared rays

Quantity of cooking rice: A 5.5 go type: A pressure IH rice cooker inner pot: A premium mainland pan and others function: I wash the cover-maru in far infrared rays / rinse-free rice course / Quantity of cooking rice: 5.5 go A type: Pressure IH rice cooker An inner pot: Premium mainland pan The thickness of the inner pot: 5mm A function: I wash far infrared rays, the cover-maru in the rinse-free rice course 
